5 Holy Communion 9.00 am St Wilfrid's Church Halsham - No Service 12 Benefice Service 10.30 am (Church location not confirmed) see Church notice board Holy Communion 8.45 am All Saints Halsham 19 Evening Prayer 4,00 pm St Wilfrid's Church Halsham - No Service 26 Morning Prayer 10.30 am St Wilfrid's Church Holy Communion 8.45 am All Saints Halsham
Bingo - 2nd Monday every month 7.45pm in the Village Institute.
Parish Council Meeting - 2nd Tuesday every month 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Ottringham.
Tea & Chat - 1st Tuesday every month 2.00pm - 3.00pm in the Village Institute. Entrance £1 includes Tea and Cake.
Weight Watchers - Tuesday 5.30pm in the Village Hall.
Watts Arms Bingo every Tuesday 7.00pm.
Let's Play - Wednesdays 10.00am - 11.30am in Ottringham Village Hall. Birth to 5 years. (East Riding Children's Centre W/sea)
Jolly Babies 0-1 year Wednesday 1.15 - 1.45pm Ottringham V Hall
Music with Mummy Wednesday 2.00pm - 2.30 pm Ottringham V Hall
Learn to Dance - Wednesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm Admiss: £3.50 in Ottringham Village Hall
Gardening Club - 2nd Wednesday every month 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Dance Class - Wednesday (not 2nd Wednesday of month) in the Village Hall - Beginners 7.00pm - 8.00pm, Intermediate 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Tea Dance - every Thursday afternoon 1.30pm - 4.00pm in the Village Hall.
Indoor Bowls in the Village Institute Friday 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Sunday evening 6.00pm - 8.00pm. £2.50 per session inc. refreshments. All welcome.
Computer Club - Friday mornings 9.30am - 11.30am, drop in session, Admiss: £2
Watts Arms Karaoke once a month - dates on pub notice boards
Mobile Library Ottringham Main Street 9.30am - 10.00am alternate Fridays